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Electro pneumatic ball valve

Sev-valve Anticorrosive ball valves, we know that gas and liquid-focused industries need smooth, reliable operations. If things are going well and it saves everyone time, money, and effort. We have therefore developed certain designs of ball valves utilizing electric and pneumatic power which make these operations much simpler. Our specialized ball valves can help you optimize processes, which equates to less time troubleshooting, and more time getting things done correctly

A unique ball valve is a tool that is beneficial to the metal seat ultimate in controlling the movement of gas and liquids. There is a round disc with a hole in the middle inside each valve. Once the valve is opened, gas and liquid can pass through this orifice without restriction. But when the valve is closed, the round disc covers the hole, which prevents any flow. This simple design allows for easy control over gas or liquid flow through pipe systems.

Control Gas and Fluid Flow with Precision with Electro Pneumatic Ball Valves

Our sev-valve focus on the special ball valve to control your gas and liquids flow tightly and accurately. That is to say, you can create just the right flow rates and pressures, which is important to ensure everything functions optimally and effectively. Our valves help you prevent surprises from doing unexpected work and thus keep your operations on the right path

In addition, our specially ball valves are designed for very easy use. There double block & bleed ball valve are a few different ways that you can operate the valve. You can have the mechanical movement done by hand, using an electric motor, or even using a pneumatic actuator that uses air pressure. This flexibility gives you the option to choose the format that makes the best sense for you.

Why choose sev-valve Electro pneumatic ball valve?

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